Products Citrics


s used to improve taste to a number of different foods and to accompany salads, fish, shellfish and desserts. This fruit grows in a tree that flowers all year long and its skin can vary from different kinds of green, to yellow and even some hues of brown. At harvest, this must be brilliant with smooth and firm skin and must be taken from the trees with the hands.

This fruit is rich in vitamin C which strengthens the immunologic system helping to prevent and cure colds and throat aches. It also contains high doses of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Lemon is very beneficial for the blood circulation; it decreases the cholesterol and the hypertension. Some healing properties have been recognized as it can stimulate the pancreas and liver functions.



Has an intense color skin. Under thislayer there is a second white skin that protects the pulp. It is formed by many slices from which abundant sweet juice with a slight acid touch that varies according to the specie can be taken. The varieties of the orange are many and they have different shapes, sizes and tendering conditions. Some of them are good for table consumption and others are indicated just for juice and other derivatives.

This is the citrus fruit par excellence to heal and prevent colds and throat aches, since – just like lemon – strengthens the immunologic system thanks to its content of Vitamins A and C. It also has a low caloric and saturated fat contents which make it a sane and fresh food and in addition, a good source of fiber and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
